Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We all got an education about South African wind today!  Put 7 minutes left on; no, the wind just changed, put 5 minutes right; no, the wind just changed, put 4 left on; no, the wind  just changed, put 9 left on.  That's how the day went!  FYI, MOA (minutes of angle) is how you adjust your sights left, right, up, or down depending on the wind and mirage conditions to make your bullet hit where you want it to (the V-Bull ring!).
They were still entering the scores when we left the range at 3:00 pm today so it will be tomorrow before we have official results for the individual matches, but we do know that Kenn Heismann won several medals today in the Original Rifle Class.

Team Captain, Ray Hopkins, announced the mid-range team that will compete tomorrow against the other countries.  Dave Gullo, Richard Hoff, Kenn Heismann, and Ed Decker, with an alternate, Dave Munch.  They will shoot at 300, 500, and 600 meters tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed!  The South Africans are very good and this is their home range.

The day got started with a welcome and announcements from officials of the South African team and then an opening shot from a cannon.  The backdrop was gorgeous with views of Table Mountain to the south.  Here are some pics from today:


  1. I don't know if my comments are coming through as this is the fourth try...so techy am I!! Good thing I teach primitive skills!! Enjoy it. Looks like lots of fun! WandaDW
